'Instructions to an Architect', a poem by Salil Chaturvedi triggered off a series of stirring images. To me, his instructions seek to magically blend the vernacular and modern style of building to preserve what’s most sacred: our connection with nature. Following these seminal instructions would result in the most soulful cities!
Instructions to an architect
my contexts are splintered
so should my house be
it should strain to come together
like me
it should be aware of the journey
of the sun reminding
me of it through moving ovals
and circles of light
it should hold every squirrel
and bird-call that enters
and treat them
like the precious gems they are
it should sometimes be hard to tell
whether you are inside or outside
no materials made in laboratories please
it should have the same sacredness
that I found as a child in
accidentally discovered nests
it should not last much longer
than I do.
- Salil Chaturvedi
(from his collection titled: In The Sanctuary of a Poem)
The artwork was displayed in the exhibition: Panjim 175, a part of the Serendipity Art Festival, 2018